Friday, October 20, 2017

Todes Engel perspective drawning.

This is my perspective drawing of the skeleton with a small twist of slight wings.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

I chose this painting as the one that I am fond of. it's a beautiful piece. the colors making the background seem like a beautiful sunset, silhouetting the tree and the girl in the swing. a photo that to me seems like its winter since the tree has no leaves, the sunset background, it seems like a symbolization showing how her childhood is ending. the sunset shall soon turn into a sunrise, the tree will soon show life once more. an image that really caught my eye. Hence the reason I'm fond of it.
 the painting. it looks nice but I could do better in the future.
 the images im going to use for an abstract painting.

Monday, October 2, 2017

here's the finished piece, not bad for my first colored pencil thing, but I'm still none the less slightly disappointed   .
well heres the start of my coloring, its not looking too good but we'll see how it goes.
My picture for my drawing and colored.
