Tuesday, January 2, 2018

A hiiden meeting

A lush and green forest arose over the horizon. A mountain overshadowing the forest of old. Inthe middle of it was a clearing, anciently made by a great beast. There sat and stood travelers, weary from there long trek. One traveler was still missing. Only to be seen racing towards them.between the staggered men was a roaring bonfire. The forest was lit and red by its warm light. They sat there in silence waiting for someone to start the sullen conversation. These men were here for a reason and one only. This was the night of the great rings forging, a night where legend has it shall reform the destroyed ring into this realm of men. The night above was a clear night, soon it changed as the ground shot around them creating a bowl over them. The night sky could barely be seen, and only in patches. In the middle of the fire rose a bundle of red rope. No, it was twisted iron! The original mythical gear piece. The onlookers watched as it arose. And soon it just hovered there awaiting its next form it shall take and its next owner, who will either bring beauty to this despondent world. Or raze it, destroying all in its path.

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